Wednesday 4 October 2017

What is Kapok?

Kapok refers to a tropical tree and the fiber from its fruit, it’s also known as silk cotton or java cotton. The fibers are harvested through the seedpod of the fruit. This seedpod produces the fluffy kapok fiber material with hundreds of seeds. A fully grown kapok tree can easily yield up to 15 kilograms of fiber each year. During harvesting, the unopened ripe pods are either knocked down or cut off the tree. The fruits are then opened: hundreds of seeds and fibers are removed by hand, segregating them from the fiber.
Kapok is a very distinguishable fiber. It is described as being softer and silkier than traditional cotton would be. Unlike cotton and other fibers kapok has a bouncy aspect. This makes it ideal for pillows as it can bounce back to its original state. Although occasional fluffing may still be required sporadically.
The waxy coating on the kapok fiber helps give it the silky feel. This also benefits it’s amazing moisture resistant qualities. Meaning if you feel like you get hot while you sleep this might be the pillow for you. It also reduced and almost eliminates clumping in the pillow, as it can easily adjust to the proper shape do to this waterproof like waxy coating.

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